God's Beauty

Jean wrote:

I was awakened at 6:30 this morning by the snow plow. I excitedly got up and in the dark went out on the porch and measured 1 1/2" of white, fluffy snow. I was instantly glad I was retired and didn't have to worry about going down the hill to Clark.

So I went upstairs to work on the borders which would complete the first narrow quilt top. The measurements, cutting and sewing went so smoothly, I was oohhing and aahhing as the quilt top came together.

It was getting light out so I raised the sheer shade of my sewing room window and just stared at the beauty outside. I felt so small.

Here I was so excited about the colors and patterns of the quilt top, thinking they were so beautiful, and here was grandeur out my own window.

I don't normally sew large quilts, so these quadriad quilts are large by my standards, but not by Tracy's, as she does queen size quilts without blinking. But looking at the snow on every single branch, I realized how small my efforts were by comparison. Here was beauty on a grand scale with exquisite detail and pattern that I could never match.

Still, I was involved in making something for God's dwelling place, and that is special in itself. Creating that quilt while being surrounded by God's beauty is both a humbling and inspiring experience.

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