Re: Color changes

Tracy  wrote:

Wow!  Oh, wow, oh, wow!

Look at how much you've gotten done - wow!  None of the greens or blues jump out at me.  I am particularly enamored of the diamonds surrounding the white arcs.  Wow.

So, what's the deal with the adhesive?  Are you having to iron it to the leading?  Why do you have to use the tiny iron?  (inquiring minds...)  Can I help, or take over the hard part, or something?

I can see where the leading is started in the picture.  It is going to make SUCH an impact. 

Did I mention? --- WOW!

Okay, Steve is still unclothed, but he's not bald.  It's still early in the game and I'm starting to wonder/worry about how he's going to come together.  Part of him is fused, part will be turn-under applique.  ALL of him will be attached to a background TBC (to be created) - I'm trying to figure how to build him before the backing is birthed (it's barely a twinkle right now).

And leading him?  It's giving me gas.  I think I'll wait until he's completely done and then figure out what to do.

You have SO much more to show for your week than I do, but them's the breaks I guess.(Wow!)

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